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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

By Homer MakGill (Jan 2012)

Cold unsheltered coat of white
penetrate your soul on a moonless night.
Ice clogged veins refuse to work
silently pleading as death begins to lurk
Starless canvas in the darkened skies
cold bitter wind no one hears your cries
Frozen peace invades your mind
as patiently the reaper bides his time
Numb and lost with no hope in sight
the chill has sapped the will to fight
Slipping closer to the haunted end
quietly wishing fate would bend
Hardened tears stay locked in place
while your broken soul quits the race
Whitewashed world spins loosely by
where your body falls your grave will lie
Realization grips your frostbitten heart
life is over, eternity now starts.


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