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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

     This is a picture of my hometown, Bayfield. I've shared numerous pictures and memories of the town and my deep connection to it. I spent so many summers fishing from the exact spot I took this picture. I used to have that view everyday. Of course I neglected to notice how beautiful it truly was. In my defense I was just a kid and was more worried about catching fish than seeing things for their true beauty.  AS time changes so do our priorities and even our outlook on life. I miss my summers in Bayfield just as much as I miss my youth but time moves forward and so must we. I will say that Bayfield in the summer is my heaven and even though it is overrun with tourists I still and always will consider it home.
    "When people look at my pictures I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read a line of a poem twice."  Robert Frank
 I want my pictures to be more than just me snapping a picture in time to remember. When I take a picture, edit it and post it somewhere or print it I'm doing it because I want people to see or feel the moment. I want them to be as moved by the beauty as I was, I want them to look at it more than once. I want them to visualize themselves in my moment. When I share a picture I am sharing a piece of me, a thought, a feeling or an action that I felt compelled to share. I have said this since day one, I'm not looking for fame or fortune from doing this (sure a few bucks here and there wouldn't hurt), I am looking to share the beauty of an ugly world with anyone who wants to share it.

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