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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

     I couldn't sleep one night about four years ago (well truth be told, I can't sleep every night) so I decided to go for a walk at 430 in the morning. I made my way to the Lake, like I always did when I lived in Ashland, and decided to watch the moon, my favorite celestial object, sink lower and lower in front of me. I took all the color but the moons own light out of this picture and this was the result. I can easily say it is one of my favorite pictures. I was mesmerized by the straight almost road like make up of the reflection, it was as if the moon was beaming that light directly at me and only for me. I sat and watched that thing for another half hour before she finally disappeared below the horizon. I have always felt safer and more alive at night and having that Zen moment with the moon really recharged me. I'm glad I re-discovered this old picture yesterday because I needed that memory and that feeling of purpose.

     "Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second." Marc Riboud. I couldn't agree more. Most of my pictures are just that, a single second that I experienced and wanted to capture forever. Anyone can take pictures now a days with hd cameras, smartphones, etc. But there is a big difference between taking pictures because you can and capturing moments of beauty to share. I am not a photographer, I am an artist that just happens to use a camera to create images of beauty. The natural world is my muse and this blog is my canvas......PEACE..........

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