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Thursday, June 30, 2016

     I was walking along the Lake Front one stormy day and came across this flower. To me it looked like a little sun against the grey sky so I knelt down, focused and snapped this picture. I think it looks more like a sun in the picture than it did when I was taking it. That is what taking pictures has done for me, it has shown me beauty and art in places that I probably wouldn't have normally seen or even looked for it. Now when I go anywhere my camera comes with me and I look at the world through the eyes of an artist looking for the next shot I can share with people.

 "The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." Dorthea Lange.
That is exactly how I feel, Mrs. Lange couldn't have said it any better. Ever since I started treating photography as an art and not just a thing to do I can most assuredly say that I see the world differently......................PEACE.......................................

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