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Monday, June 20, 2016

Happy Summer Solstice to all! Today is one of my favorite days of the year. I love summer, the heat, the thunder storms and no snow! It is my second favorite season but today is special for being the first day of summer, Litha, as we Pagans call it. Its one of the Wiccan Sabats (holy days) and for the first time in 70 years there will be a full moon tonight. Litha is already a day full of magick but for a full moon to fall on the Solstice, now that is truly a magickal event! I will be taking advantage of all the magick in the air tonight for sure. The best spells to cast today are luck or love spells. ps: I spell magick with a k because that is the original way to spell it. Ending it with a c is for fake magic like Harry Potter or Dungeons and Dragons.

     Todays quote fit for a few reasons, the butterfly obviously but also the mention of summer. I read this quote and it made me think about a butterflies short but awesome life. They live for three days, that is the life they know. Three days of existence in such a huge and beautiful world. I wonder if they are aware of their short life spans or if time moves differently for them, after all it was us humans who invented time in the first place. Maybe three days to them is like fifty years. If I only had three days I would want to learn as much as I could and be close to my loved ones. It kind of makes me think a little, I shouldn't bitch about knowing that I will die some day, I should embrace every day with a new sense of wonder and happiness and approach each day as if it could be my last. I need to use the time I have instead of wishing for more. I need to stop taking what precious time I do have for granted. Three days to a butterfly is a lifetime.....................PEACE................


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