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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Happy Wednesday! For those who may be new to this (although by the numbers it seems as if there is no one reading these) I absolutely love taking pictures of flowers, they are my favorite. Most of the time they are pretty good about me invading their private space for a few minutes to get some good pictures. These guys in this picture were growing up, through and around a very heavily used walk way and even as some of their buddies were being trampled, picked or cut, these three just kept on going. I always felt as if the one in bloom were holding the other one up as both yelled encouragement to the guy on the ground. You can see his stem is a few inches off the sidewalk so he just may have pulled himself up and bloomed just like his friends. At least that is how I see this story ending.
"The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it." Moliere was a French Playwright and actor and he hit the nail on the head with this quote. I'm sure there has been something in each one of your lives that can relate back to this quote. The point of this post today is simple; Never give up. If you have enough courage, commitment and willpower you can accomplish anything you set your mind to and the harder that task may be the more rewarding it is when you finish. Even if you try and can't get over the hump take solace in the fact that you gave it your all but if something is worth it, you can and will find a way to make it happen just like the flowers in this picture did. With encouragement from your loved ones you too can find the strength to conquer whatever holds you back. If you try hard enough, if you don't back down and if you give it everything you've got you too can grow and blossom even in the harshest of conditions...PEACE............

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