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Friday, January 12, 2018

Project Wormy, my thoughts on a multidimensional wormhole generator. 
oriinally posted on this blog in January 0f 2012
This is an alien embryo I have started growing in my basement.  Ha just kidding I don't have a basement!  This is a prototype of the energy cell that I am working on for my time machine, it's a solid/liquid stabilizer that houses the fuel that runs it.  The fuel is a mixture of gases and liquids trapped in a semi-cyrogenic state that begins to slowly seep into the propulsion system as it heats up.  The main propulsion system is actually just a few large magnets that are constantly bombarded by both positive and negative atoms which make the magnets move in very erratic patterns.  As the magnets gather more and more charges they start to vibrate uncontrollably it's at this point that the solid/liquid stabilizing fuel mixture is seeped into the engine which causes a catastrophic and violent reaction which literally rips open a hole in space and time.  It essentially opens up a wormhole into either a different time or dimension.  This of course is only theoretical as I have yet to actually try to use the Entropic Magneto Drive, or build it.  This is all just a product of my over-imagination, although my theory is viable I have neither the resources nor the laboratory I would need to build my time machine.

  I have put a lot of real time and energy into developing this highly improbable and very unlikely piece of science-fiction but it is so fun to think way outside of the box!  I truly believe that anything is possible and this is the year to do it.  Don't not try something or make excuses for trying something on the bases that it isn't possible or probable because if it crossed your mind the thought has some sort of meaning.  I know there really isn't a leprechaun at the end of a rainbow, but since I have never actually chased a rainbow to the end I can't say that for certain.  Who knows what's at the end? Ever dream of discovering Atlantis? Do it. What's stopping you?  My point is just because the Entropic Magneto Drive isn't real doesn't mean it can't be, or better yet I have invented a fully functional time machine in my mind in less than an hour.  The power of your mind and imagination can make anything possible as long as you believe it.  Trust me as we usher in the year of the mind start thinking more outside of the box and you will see results immediately.  By telling myself nothing is impossible the mundane everyday trappings of real life seem so easy by comparison.  Free your mind and watch the fun begin.  So until I can actually get the EMD going I will continue to create wonderful and improbable things in my head because anything is possible when you put your mind to it.  By the way the picture is of a lava lamp. PEACE!!!!

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