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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

     So what I've been doing is just grabbing a random memory card popping it in the computer and then as the pictures are loading I'll search the internet for quotes. Lately I've been searching photography quotes in general. After I find a quote or two I'll go back to my pictures and scroll through them until I find one or more that I feel embodies the quote best. It can take a few minutes or it can take a few hours, it depends on the quote and which card I grabbed, etc. Today that wasn't a problem, this quote fits just about any picture I've ever taken so I decided to just randomly pick an image to pair it with. I couldn't have been happier when my mouse stopped on this one. I took this a few Autumns ago, it is a picture of Basswood Island (on the left) and Madeline Island that I took from the shoreline in Bayfield. The water was so calm and clear that day and the weather was unseasonably warm, it was the perfect day to be at one of my favorite spots. I always say there is beauty in everything and this picture reminds me of that, it also reminds me that I can take a minute away from freaking out about the state of the world we live in and just appreciate the beauty that surrounds us everyday. It doesn't have to be a picture and honestly as much as I want you to look at my pictures and like them I want you to go outside and see for yourself. I say this all the time, just ten minutes outside in the fresh air with nothing on your mind but to capture the beauty of the moment is not only relaxing and refreshing, it is revitalizing. When I step outside and breath the air in I let all my anger, hate and frustration escape and fly away into the breeze. I forget about all the pain and suffering that is happening throughout the world and selfishly concentrate on enjoying the smells and sights of nature, even if it is only for a few minutes it is enough of a moment to remind me that Nature is our ally and the Earth is our Mother.

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