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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Happy Thursday! I am going to keep this one short and sweet today just like the quote but first I must mention that I took this picture in 2014 and this is the first time I have ever posted it. I love getting pictures right after it rains.
   I truly believe that Nature is our true God(dess) and we should be treating her with respect and reverence. We should not be stripping her of all her minerals, trees, animals or water just for profit. The Earth is our home, our planet and our Mother, we should treat her more like a Mom and less like some giant rock that we can use for whatever purpose we want. This giant rock has been around about 5 billion or so years compared to human's measly 200,000 years and it was this giant rock that gave us life. We need to stop destroying our planet and start recognizing her for what she really is, because she is the whole reason you and I are alive!

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